Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oct Book

We had a really nice time at book club yesterday with lots of yummy food. I hope you'll feel free to come join us.
Our new book is:
The Screwtape Letters
by C.S. Lewis
We will meet to discuss this book on Nov. 1 at my (Sarah Brown's) home at 7:30 pm.
Happy Reading!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

October Book

Everyone. . .sorry I couldn't make it tonight!  My new Relief Society had a big emergency preparedness evening tonight, and then I had a sick boy, so I couldn't even come late.  Sarah recommended Ella Minnow Pea to me a few years ago, and I absolutely loved it.  I'm bummed I couldn't join in your conversation tonight.  Anyway, I hope you all enjoy reading In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan this month.  I thought it would be fun to read a non-fiction book to mix things up, and with all the great cooks, gardeners, and food-lovers in the ward, this should be an interesting one to discuss!  If you want to check out Michael Pollan's website, he's got a few other great food reads that you can add to your book lists (The Omnivore's Dilemma is really good, too):  I'll let Sarah know when the books are ready for pickup at West Jordan Library, and I'll see you at my home (1353 W. Hawksbill Dr.) on Tuesday, October 4!


Sunday, August 7, 2011


This is totally after the fact, but apperently I forgot to post on the blog what our September book was.
Ella Minnow Pea  by Mark Dunn

I'm not sure anyone looks at this anyway.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

August Book

Hi Everyone,

We were small in numbers today, but still had a really good visit.

Our next book will be:
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Because this is a very popular book and has a lot of holds on it (it's also kind of big), we have decided to skip the July meeting and discuss this book in August. I have placed a book club hold at the West Jordan Library and they should start showing up in the next couple of weeks, but feel free to put your own hold on a copy or borrow etc. It is well worth reading.

We will meet August 2 7:30 pm at Monica Brown's home.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May/June book

Now that we meet at the first of the month I never know if I should call the book the June book since our meeting will be in June or the May book since we'll most likely be reading it in May. Whatever.

Our new book is:

The Scarlett Letter
by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Because of some ward conflicts our June meeting is going to be the first Thursday instead of the first Tuesday. We will meet June 2, 7:30 pm at Billie Turner's home. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Book Club tonight at Alena's!  Hope to see you there.  Email me if you need more info.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

April Book

Hey Ladies,

I apologize for the delay in getting the new book out to everyone. I had forgotten whose turn it was so I never reminded anyone and we showed up to book club without a new book! I'll do better.

Alena stepped up and picked one for us, but it took her a few day since she has a lot of family stuff going on right now. No worries, we now have it!

The book is:

Time Enough For Drums

By Ann Rinaldi

Alena called the library and they should be getting 8-9 books on hold within the next week. She said it is a fairly quick/light read so we may be able to pass it around the neighborhood if we need to, but if you have access to another copy that might be good.

We will meet Tuesday April 5th 7:30 pm at Alena's house. When time get's closer I will email directions and we could probably carpool again.

I always look forward to time spent with you all!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

March Book

So much fun tonight! I'm so grateful that I have book club. :)

JuVene picked our next book. It is:

The Peacegiver: How Christ offers to heal our hearts and homes

by James L Farrell

She will call the library tomorrow to put some on hold.

We will meet at JuVene's home Tuesday March 1 at 7:30 pm to discuss this book.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Febuary Book

Hey All!

We have a new book. Ilene has chosen:

The Wednesday Letters
by Jason F. Wright

She says there should be 12 copies at the West Jordan Library by Thursday or Friday. We are switching it up starting in February and meeting the first Tuesday of the month so we will meet:

February 1 7:30 pm at my house again, unless I find out otherwise.

I really enjoy the time spent visiting and discussing books and thoughts on life in general. I hope you do too.
