Saturday, March 5, 2011

April Book

Hey Ladies,

I apologize for the delay in getting the new book out to everyone. I had forgotten whose turn it was so I never reminded anyone and we showed up to book club without a new book! I'll do better.

Alena stepped up and picked one for us, but it took her a few day since she has a lot of family stuff going on right now. No worries, we now have it!

The book is:

Time Enough For Drums

By Ann Rinaldi

Alena called the library and they should be getting 8-9 books on hold within the next week. She said it is a fairly quick/light read so we may be able to pass it around the neighborhood if we need to, but if you have access to another copy that might be good.

We will meet Tuesday April 5th 7:30 pm at Alena's house. When time get's closer I will email directions and we could probably carpool again.

I always look forward to time spent with you all!

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